Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Online Ag-vocating!

The purpose of this post is to share with all of you the opportunities that you have as a member of an online community, Facebook. It is always important to keep agriculture on the forefront of our lives, and there is a relatively easy way to accomplish this! There are different fan pages and groups on Facebook that can keep us all in the loop of new events and facts as they arise. This past week I have developed some facts that I would like to share with you. Let’s crunch the numbers, shall we?

PETA’s official Facebook page has 599,329 FB fans. HSUS has 238,445 FB fans. The several anti-PETA and anti-HSUS pages that I looked up have a combined total of only 34,428 FB fans.

We must provide an avenue for our Facebook friends to become aware of these important pages. Here are more facts.

The National Beef Ambassadors have 2,169 FB fans. The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association has 2,899 FB fans. The American National CattleWomen have 346 FB fans. My Beef Check Off has 1,318 FB fans. Beef Today has 342 FB fans. I Support Agriculture has 10,484 FB fans. I am Agriculture Proud, an excellent page to share your stories about farming, ranching, and agriculture in general, has 3,461 FB fans. Advocates for Agriculture has 10,206 FB fans. HumaneWatch, a group keeping up to date with HSUS’s most recent events, has 40,103 FB fans. Concerned Citizens Against the Humane Society of the United States has 145 FB fans, as they are a newer FB group. Lastly, the United States Department of Agriculture only has 6,795 FB fans.

I have provided a hyper link for all of the above mentioned links, so that you can become a fan or a group member of these groups. In honor of BEEF month, I have made it my personal mission to try to increase the fan base in these agriculture/beef related Facebook pages. Please join me in my goal. Since Monday HSUS has gained 1,137 FB fans. PETA has gained 4,670 FB fans. The USDA has gained 436. Let’s be the change we wish to see!

Please support these fan pages so that we can share our stories! If you can take the next ten minutes of your day to become a fan of the hyper-linked pages above, you can help spread the word about American Agriculture! Please also check for your individual state’s agriculture department, farm bureau, and beef councils, as well as local CattleWomen and Cattlemen pages!

Happy Beef Month to you all!




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