Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Small but Mighty!

Less than 2% of the American population is involved in production agriculture. This leaves 98% of the population to make judgments about something that they may not necessarily fully understand. Halloween is in four days. My friend and I decided to take a field trip to the Halloween store. We were virtually disappointed at the taste of most of the costumes and made the decision to resort to what we know: country. So when I get dressed up as a "cowgirl" for Halloween, I better not get weird looks for NOT pulling out the short-shorts and NOT tying my plaid shirt up above my belly button. This home-grown country girl is going back to her roots. We're talking original farm girl. I drink milk with my breakfast, I wear boots out at the barn, and I definitely don't tie my plaid shirts up above my belly button. This country girl appreciates the purity of her lifestyle. Aggies unite, let's educate others about what we are about: agriculture rocks!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

"Mommy, look at the Daddy cow!"

Rule Number 1: Do not judge a book by its cover and do not assume a cow is a boy if it has horns. The theory here is that horns are not a gender specific trait. Just like ears are not a gender specific trait in humans. Could you imagine a 4 year old girl with golden curls pulling on her mommy's pant leg, "Mommy, look at Daddy, he has ears!" I couldn't imagine it, and chances are, neither can you. In a world where parents actually point out the "daddy cow" to their children, when they are proud they know it is a boy because it has horns, the main cause is apparent to agriculturalists. The answer is literacy. Or lack there of. I am here to share the wealth with all of you though! Have no fear! "Mommy cows" can have horns too! Because ladies and gentlemen, here in lies the secret. The BREED of cow determines whether they will have horns or not. Genes play a role and wah-lah! You have horns, or no horns. That is the question!

Monday, October 26, 2009

First Ever Blog

This blog is purely for anything agriculture. I'd like to use it to point out fallacies about the ag industry that I come across on a day to day basis. As of right now, it is for my AGC 102 class. I figured: why not use the assignment to make a difference in something I'm passionate about! Thank you for you time in reading this. I have just invested 13 hours of my time in college. And I'd like to go to sleep now. Thank you. And goodnight!