Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Small but Mighty!

Less than 2% of the American population is involved in production agriculture. This leaves 98% of the population to make judgments about something that they may not necessarily fully understand. Halloween is in four days. My friend and I decided to take a field trip to the Halloween store. We were virtually disappointed at the taste of most of the costumes and made the decision to resort to what we know: country. So when I get dressed up as a "cowgirl" for Halloween, I better not get weird looks for NOT pulling out the short-shorts and NOT tying my plaid shirt up above my belly button. This home-grown country girl is going back to her roots. We're talking original farm girl. I drink milk with my breakfast, I wear boots out at the barn, and I definitely don't tie my plaid shirts up above my belly button. This country girl appreciates the purity of her lifestyle. Aggies unite, let's educate others about what we are about: agriculture rocks!!


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