Saturday, November 14, 2009

Experience It!

Over the past few weeks, I have had wonderful opportunities to learn more about the agriculture industry. I have had the chance to follow an agribusiness professional, create a youtube video, as well as intern at the CA/NV Cattlemen's/Cattlewomen's Convention in Sparks, NV. These three things have not only kept me busy over the past month, but they have also inspired me to want more. As a youth in this industry, I can learn all I can to teach others to promote agriculture. Spending the day with a young woman from Harris Ranch Beef Company allowed me to learn more about the meat aspect of the beef industry. We traveled to different markets that she sells meat to, and I got the opportunity to learn more about sales. Making the video for my communication class was a great first-time experience. I targeted a theme of beef safety and now not only will my video be online for consumers to view, but it will also help fund the National Beef Ambassador Program. The last event that I was able to experience, I actually just got home from. I traveled to Sparks, NV this past week to intern at the state Cattlemen's/Cattlewomen's Convention. It was a great opportunity to make connections and interact with people in the cattle industry. Knowledge is power, and there was so much power in knowledge at that conference. I'd like to take this time to thank the farmers and ranchers that put food on our tables each day, because without agriculture, where would we be?


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