Thursday, April 8, 2010

The FIELD of Journalism

What is the definition of leadership? To me it can be summed up in several words. Leadership encompasses someone that is outstanding in their field. Yet, what is the definition of agriculture leadership? This is someone out standing in their field. The same words, but a totally different meaning. The majority of people lack the knowledge of where their food comes from or how it is produced. Really, what the majority of people lack is the knowledge of agriculture. Agriculture is everywhere around you. In your homes, on your backs, below your feet, and even in your stomach. The latter is the most obviously recognized form of agriculture. However, the clothes you wear, the sheets that you sleep in, and the ground that you stand on can all be attributed to agriculture. Why am I telling you these things? Because I am an agriculture communicator. I have been out standing in my field every since my tiny little feet hit the soil beneath me. Notice I did not say dirt. No, my feet first walked on the nutrient soil in the garden that my father so diligently worked to produce when I was younger. My mother exposed me to the life of a "chicken lady", as she so proudly referred to herself as, at a very young age. She gave me the responsibility of carrying two eggs home when I was at the ripe age of about a year and a half. Of course, I was so over-joyed with this task, that I clapped my hands together. The result was nothing less of an egg yoke bath, followed by several salty tears that rolled down my little red cheeks. This is my first and most valued memory of my childhood.

You may ask me if I have a bias in agriculture. I will honestly tell you that I have a HUGE bias in agriculture. It's my life, my love, my home, and my future career. Naturally when anyone may challenge something someone loves in a negative way that person will get defensive. I find it very hard to act professional when someone challenges my love of agriculture. People do this very easily by not having a basic understanding of what my life revolves around. Truthfully, their lives revolve around it too.
I am taking the Journalism 205 class at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo to strengthen my understanding of how to successfully relay important information to others. I practice this already with my position as a National Beef Ambassador! I am heavily involved in social media networking, blogging, and public speaking! I am excited for this class so that I can better learn the FIELD of agriculture journalism!


BHeinichen said...

It's crazy how many people don't know anything about agriculture. Some people are plain ignorant so I guess that makes for a great teaching moment.

Chelsea Molina said...

Your blog is very well put together. I think you do a great job of getting your point across while telling a story at the same time. It was very easy to read and kept me engaged. I think your whole blog page is a great example for everyone in the class to fallow.

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