Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thinking about Love.

Hi everyone! It's been a while since I've blogged last, but I've made a new goal to try to express my thoughts more this year on things that I care about. As you can tell by the name of this blog, one thing I definitely care most about is agriculture. I have started my second year at Cal Poly on Monday. It's great to be back in the swing of things, or should I say the walk of things! I wore my pedometer to class the other day and from my apartment on campus to the agriculture building it is approximately 1 and a half miles round trip! This means I will be able to keep in shape without really having to try. Because, I mean, by the time I get to the gym from out here, I will be tired and ready to head back home--providing I can even make it back in one piece!
However, back on topic, my classes have really forced me to begin determining what I really care about, what makes Malorie, Malorie, and why do I love the things I love. I can remember certain instances in my childhood that I will never forget that made me who I am. I have agriculture to thank for that, as well as the family farm. Well now thanks to the proposed estate tax, I may be left with only those memories of the past. But you can bet that I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure that doesn't happen. I just returned back from D.C. with the National Beef Ambassadors, so that is what caused that statement.
I'm also in an argumentative English class this quarter, which I can already tell is going to make me a better person. I decided on Monday that I wasn't going to like it, but what's the fun in that? I've already made a change to my attitude and I'm loving it!
Ok, so here's what I love: my family, my boyfriend <3, agriculture, cows, BEEF!!, Cal Poly/College, my friends, my apartment, my truck, my house.....wait a second. My life! I love my life! I think that's key in a great success! So here's to it! Let's raise our glasses and toast, to a wonderful day, a wonderful week, a wonderful month, a wonderful quarter, a wonderful year, and a wonderful life! (Glasses of milk of course! What else would you raise to toast?)

Thanks for reading! I hope to be back soon!



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