Friday, April 8, 2011

Looking Back

Two years ago tomorrow I earned the honor of serving as the 2009 CA Beef Ambassador. I cannot believe this much time has passed, but then again, it's all happening in a whirlwind!

I was born and raised on a small cow/calf operation in Livermore, CA. Going into the competition I was familiar with beef cattle and had an understanding of their purpose and their lifestyle. Reflecting on my knowledge of the beef industry now soars high and above what I ever expected myself to acquire.

Looking back on where I was then and where I am now humbles me to know that a program like the Beef Ambassador Program can teach a young person so much and inspire me to learn more and create a place for myself in the beef industry.

BEEF is not only what's for dinner. It's what's in my future. For that, I am and forever will be thankful to the Alameda County CattleWomen, the CA CattleWomen, and the American National CattleWomen.

Thank you to all who have taught me, learned with me, and inspired me to become a leader in the beef industry. Without your knowledge and experience I do not know where I would be today. Without your sound advice and passionate wisdom for beef cattle, youth in the industry, just like me, might not have found their place in such a welcoming home.

Good luck to all of the CA Beef Ambassador Contestants tomorrow. Remember, even if you are not named the CA Beef Ambassador or Junior Beef Ambassador, we are all still AGvocates and cannot let our duties as such fall to the wayside!

In the beef industry we are all winners, leaders, and role models.

I LOVE the American BEEF industry!



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