Friday, January 28, 2011

From My iTouch

I am posting this from my iTouch! It sure takes a while to type, but it is AWESOME!!! It doesn't look like you can add pictures, but nonetheless I cam still share my thoughts with you without a computer!! I'm heading to Denver tomorrow for the National Beef Speakers Bureau to learn how to spread the great beef message! Sin-steerly, Malorie

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Walk a Mile in My Boots!

Hello all!

I was pondering my blog topic for the week when I remembered all of the walking and hiking I've been doing lately. I thought, "I've seen some beautiful things over the past few weeks! I wish some people could take a walk in my shoes." But then I realized, as I gazed down towards my feet, that the brunt of what I do doesn't necessarily happen in shoes; it happens in my boots!

This lead to a medley of thoughts in my head associated with my boots! I'd like to take a moment to share with you just what "my boots" have walked in, on, and around in my lifetime!
The first thing that comes to my mind that I ever did in boots was ride in the tractor with my dad as a young child. Dad would be headed out to disk the field, and I would quickly grab my pillow and jump up into the tractor, wedged carefully behind the passenger seat. The pillow would shelter my head from the hard glass so that when Dad hit a bump, my noggin would be saved! I still remember how we'd sing our "Tractor Song" which entailed humming and letting the rhythm of the jostled tractor change your vocal chords! Those were the good ol' days!

My boots have stepped in every kind of manure known to man, it seems. They've seen the top side of cow patties, sheep pebbles, and much more, unfortunately. My boots have raised seventeen hogs, three steers, and 4 sheep in 4-H and FFA. My boots have been to a jackpot show, many an Alameda County Fair, three years of livestock judging contests, and in many show rings and fairs across California. My boots have spoken about agriculture to many consumers in a grocery store, a farmer's market, and in everyday life. My boots exhibited the 2010 Alameda County Fair FFA Champion Market Hog! My boots help spark conversation about agriculture when I wear them places like the movie theater, shopping, or even to dinner. My boots always match my belt, and they always match my mood.

"You can take the girl out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the girl"

The past year, my boots helped spread the message about the American beef industry at places like the Boston Marathon, the New York State Fair, and the D.C. Cooking and Entertaining Expo where they even met Rachael Ray. They will continue to do so throughout this next year as I am a part of the brand new National Beef Speaker's Bureau.
Fairly soon, my boots will even be headed to Washington, D.C for the summer. I am very pleased, excited, and honored to announce that I was recently accepted for a USDA internship in conjunction with the National Beef Ambassador Program!!! Each year one ambassador receives this amazing opportunity to intern with the Agriculture Marketing Services, Livestock and Seed branch of the USDA, and this year that ambassador is ME! I am very excited to take on this challenge and you better believe, in the words of fellow Cattlemen and CattleWomen, that I will be "burning boot leather on Capitol Hill!"

My boots are who I am! Would you care to take a walk with me?

Sunday, January 16, 2011

I Know Where I'm Going

I know where I'm going
Don't you wanna come too?

Lyrics to a song that I know most of the words too that brings back great childhood memories. Artist? You mean artists! The Judds: my childhood duo of music. Most anytime I would buckle my seat belt in my mom's '91 gray Ford Explorer, we'd fire up the cassette tape player and I'd start digging through our tape holding case. Black, with a handle, much like a plastic breif case. Depending on my mood as an innocent young girl, we'd blast the tunes and sing at the top of our lungs. I always thought my mom and I could be like Naomi and Wynonna, mother-daughter duo. Mo and Mallie. Has a nice ring to it. As I listen to the words sung on my iTunes now I begin to miss my mama. But I know she'll always be with me where ever I am. No matter if she is three and a half hours away, at home. The Explorer has been long gone in my life, but the memories of singing with my mama will never leave me!

I'm an only child. Always have been and always will be my mama's joy, and my mama will always be my hero. It gives me great excitement as I listen to these songs sung by the Judds, my familiar traveling tunes from childhood, and I STILL know almost every word to these songs! It amazes me that my brain can be such a trap when it comes to certain things like this.

Listening to these songs sure has put me in a great mood today! It's beautiful here in SLO and I have it all to enjoy just outside my window! So maybe it will be a "girl's night out. Honey there ain't doubt I'm gonna dance every dance until the boys go home. Well it's my night to rock. No watching that clock. Oh ain't no doubt, Lordy! It's a girl's night out!"

Tomorrow I will continue my SLO time adventures and climb another peak with my roommate! That is sure to be gorgeous! So I know where I'm going. Did you wanna come too?


Saturday, January 15, 2011

Mother Nature's Perspective

Good afternoon!

It is a beautiful day in San Luis Obispo, CA reaching upwards of 80 degrees in some places here today. I have already been to lunch, on a very lovely drive, and to a short visit to Avila Beach. Now I sit here in my apartment alone, which has me thinking: I'm usually the one that leaves others "home alone". For the past year I have been out of state usually once or twice a month on a Beef Ambassador trip. Unfortunately, those are no longer. As I look back on my year as a National Beef Ambassador, I have realized something over the past week or so. I only get to live MY life once, so why not do the impossible, accomplish the unthinkable, or conquer the unstoppable? My new philosophy in life is to do what I want, because I want to, and because it will make me a better person.

I sure do miss the leadership camps and conferences I attended throughout middle school and high school, but I've been thinking...why can't my life be a leadership conference? I mean every once in a while I try to do something that I wouldn't normally do, and I find myself grateful for the experience. Then I reflect on my participation and do something else. That, to me, seems like a leadership experience in a nutshell; I'm leading my life.

Throughout the past couple of weeks back at college I have found many things to inspire me. I have climbed two mountains, walked on a 7 mile trail, and taken a 40 minute drive through a beautiful rural area all in the town I live in. Why did it take me a year and a half to realize what I could have been soaking up this whole time?! I could be kicking myself for missing the opportunities that I have been hiding myself from, or I can embrace them and discover something new each week that makes me happy here. Today, I felt like I was on top of the world. From one point on my drive I could see what seemed like everything: flat land, hills, trees, sandy beaches, the ocean, and even what I love most in life...cows! The dreaming me would love to live in some mansion of a house I spotted while climbing the hills of San Luis Obispo, but alas, living anywhere here is like living in paradise.

I was confronted by a long time friend of mine today about where I see myself ending up in life. She made the venture herself to guess not in California. During the past few months I would have to say my very own conclusion on that matter is to agree with her. I love where I was born and raised, and where I live now, but there is so much more out there that I need to discover, I'm just going to go with the flow. Where ever life takes me, I will make the most out of it. I live to learn, explore, and cherish what Mother Nature has given me in this lovely life I lead.

Moooooving ahead,

Friday, January 7, 2011

1st Friday


Today is the first Friday of 2011, and I have been celebrating it as such! I had one class this morning and a meeting this afternoon, and then I ran some errands and worked out a little bit. I classify this as a usual day, but today one thing was out of place. Usually every Friday for the past 52 weeks I have blogged. Not all the time on this blog, but another blog: the National Beef Ambassador Blog. I blogged about my activities, my feelings on beef related issues, and about me in general. Today is the first Friday of 2011, and I didn't have to blog on the National Beef Ambassador Blog, because my term expired on December 31, 2010. I have had this blog for some time, but I'd like to begin on of my New Year's resolutions and blog on my personal blog more often.
I titled this blog "Love Agriculture", because I do. I love everything about it. Today, being the first Friday of the year and the day that I only have one class, I'd like to tell you a little bit about the class. I'm enrolled in Soil Science 121 at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo.
I've heard that this class is challenging, but like usual I like to keep an open mind about my classes and feel them out for myself. The other day I found it a bit easier to like the class, even though I do find it interesting, because my professor and I have something in common: PASSION. This woman is so passionate about dirt, I doubt I will ever find anyone else in my life like her. Granite I realize she is a scientist in her field (drum line, please!), yet she shows her passion about soil through her teaching. She said something today that made me smile. She said this: "Oh my gosh! (Pointing to the white, sandy E horizon on the power point screen) Isn't it the most beautiful thing you've ever seen? Well, okay maybe not EVER seen. Come ON guys, I think it's great!" I giggled a bit, because I realized that this is precisely what I do to the people around me. "Oh my gosh, guys! LOOK! A cow! It has the most beautiful hide I've ever seen!! Guys? Guys?" By this time my friends are usually rolling their eyes at me or poking fun at my fascination with cattle! But it's no skin off my nose, because I love it! My professor loves soil, so I'm going to trust her, because I would trust me and my love for cows.
Until next time! Happy Friday everyone, and here's to what you love in life!